Mayflash is a company who has been around for a while making arcade sticks and controller adapters such as the Magic S Ultimate, which allowed you to use other consoles controllers on different systems.
In their line of arcade sticks they sell numerous budget friendly options like the F300 and F500. These sticks were different sizes, and had elite versions which utilized Sanwa parts. They could be used on numerous consoles and devices through the included USB wire.
At this years Tokyo Game Show they unveiled a new line of arcade sticks and among them is the new F700. I am unsure if they have a "Elite" version in the works but I have had the pleasure of trying this stick out with a test sample they provided me. My full review and teardown and talks on how easy it will be to swap out components will be coming to my YouTube soon at my channel Madlittlepixel.
So far it does seem as if it will be fairly easy to swap components. The above slide show shows a glance of the insides.. It looks fairly similar to other sticks they have made... but no USB port on the back like my F500 Elite has. The USB port was made to allow the use of Magic Keys or attaching an Xbox or PlayStation controller to allow support for those systems. Instead this arcade stick looks to be compatible with things like the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 3,4 and 5 rite out of the box.

Truly wireless for the PS5! No adapters or controllers plugged in needed!
The controller can be used via Bluetooth, USB wired or through 2.4ghz wireless with the included adapter. Not all systems are able to use all connections. As an example the PS5 on the box is listed to work wired or with 2.4ghz but not Bluetooth... so why does the front of the box say "Wireless Bluetooth PS5 Arcade Stick"? My video will be going live with a lot more details and testing soon, but keep in mind this is a test version I received. Mayflash has stated they have not gone into mass production yet!
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