Back in 2005 the company Messiah Entertainment released the Generation NEX NES clone console. It was said to be the most compatible NES clone of its time. It didn't last on the market very long. It received very mixed reviews. While I'd love to get my hands on one of these long forgotten clones one day to test out, that's not what we are here for today.

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The company Messiah did have some interesting things going for it with this NES clone. It had built in 2.4GHz wireless channels to pair with their sold separately wireless controllers. A year after release they began selling a wireless arcade stick that was inspired by the NES Advantage. But in this case, it was of better build quality and had that 2.4GHz built in for wireless play on the Generation NEX NES. That's great and all but with these wireless controllers maybe people would like to use them on original NES consoles. Messiah heard you loud and clear and began selling wireless dongles for the original NES port!

Nice! So now their controllers could be used on original NES hardware and other clones. The big deal here in my opinion is the arcade stick they sold for a short while being able to be used on other hardware. Now recently I got my hands on one of these arcade sticks, after never seeing one before or even hearing about it! A viewer of my YouTube Channel that goes by the name of Surround By Idiots was searching for these arcade sticks for some years. He eventually was able to get into contact with the original owner of the company and bought out his remaining stock. He currently has these listed on eBay for what some may think is a little too much money, but that's up to you to decide. It is available here if you'd like to check it out. You can view my video review below!
Now after having used this stick and giving my thoughts on it in my video, yes I liked it, I attempted to tear it down. At first it seemed like the bottom panel was glued down, so I initially gave up in order to not damage anything. But after having taken a closer look, I wound up getting the bottom panel removed and exposed most of the insides. All those pics will be shown below. But my thoughts on the insides.... well.... its definitely the inside of an arcade stick!
The stick is made of some kind of particle board. It has a nice heft to it. The insides I noticed quite a bit of glue holding connections in place and keeping the 2 buttons nuts locked in place. I'm not a fan of using glue on buttons that have a nut to screw them into place, but its not excessive here and with a little bit of force the buttons can be removed. The connections on the buttons are soldered so to replace will require either soldering or replacing the connections with quick disconnects. The Happ style stick is crammed inside the small space inside the stick with the microswitches having some of the connections having to be bent to fit in place.
I also noticed when turning the dials for the turbo functions for the A and B button cables toward the top of the case will begin to twist a bit. This leads me to believe that with heavy use of the sliders you may wind up with a loose wire at some point and may need to service it.
Overall I feel this arcade stick is pretty decent, and probably would do fairly well if the company Messiah ever resurfaced and decided to sell them again. The interior of the stick is typical of a lot of Chinese manufactured items with PCB's, wires and microswitches. It gets the job done alright, but does seem like some servicing will be required more often than a bigger brand arcade stick would.