SNK has locked away 20 bonus games on the Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro. From what we have seen so far and from information I have received from reliable sources they have planned to release unlock keys 2 at a time for 10 months. For some of us this is not good enough. So follow along and you will easily unlock all 20 hidden games and have a total of 40 games to choose from! (This process assumes you are using a Windows PC.)

First you will navigate to this page and download the unlock generator. It is available here.

Next you will download this file available here, which contains most of what is needed for the key generation. The first file you downloaded simply makes this process a heck of a lot easier.

You will now have these two zip files. Unzip them both to a easily accessible location.

From here open both folders as you will need to move the unlockgenerate.bat and the keys folder to the win-x64 folder contained in the artifacts folder.

After having transferred those 2 files to the win-x64 folder you will now run the unlockgenerate.bat file. When you open this you will notice it asks for your Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro's serial number.

In order to get the serial number you will have to turn your console on and goto the settings option located on the bottom of the screen.

Input your serial number into the program without the SN: or any of the "-". Simply just the numbers and letters with no spaces. Once that is done hit enter.

If you did everything correctly it will show it was successful. From here you will now have cd keys generated for each of the unlock-able games. The folder will be located in artifacts > win-x64 > keys. The folder cdkey will contain all of your keys.

From here simply drop that cdkey folder onto a fat32 usb drive and attach it to your Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro and go back to settings, click on system then unlock and you will now have unlocked all hidden games!

If you would like to follow a video tutorial on this process please check out my video below.
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